
Author Item Publication Type
Wagner, Klaus. “Los libros del canónigo y vihuelista Alonso Mudarra”. Bulletin Hispanique 92 (1990): 655-661. Article: journal
Wagner, Klaus. Martín de Montesdoca y su prensa: contribución al estudio de la imprenta y bibliografía sevillana del siglo XVI. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 1982. Book
Ward, John. “Fuenllana, Miguel de”. New Grove (1980). Article: reference
Ward, John M. “Changing the instrument for the Music”. Journal of the Lute Society of America 15 (1982): 27-39. Article: journal
Ward, John M. “Parody Technique in Sixteenth Century Instrumental Music”. The Commonwealth of Music. Ed. Gustave Reese and Rose Brandel. New York: The Free Press 1966. 208-28 Article: book
Ward, John M. “The ‘Vihuela de mano’ and its Music, 1536-1576”. Diss., New York University, 1953. Book: Thesis
Ward, John M. (ed) Music for Elizabethan Lutes: The Osborn Commonplace-Book Tablatures and Related Sources. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. Book: Edition
Ward, John. “Daza, Esteban”. New Grove (1980). Article: reference
Ward, John. “Le problème des hauteurs dans la musique pour luth et vihuela au XVIe siècle”. Le Luth et sa Musique. Ed. J. Jacquot. Paris: CNRS, 1958; 2nd edn, 1976. 171-178. Article: book
Ward, John. “Spanish Musicians in Sixteenth-Century England”. Essays in Musicology in Honor of Dragan Plamenac on his 70th Birthday. Eds. G. Reese and R.J. Snow. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1969. 353-364. Article: book
Ward, John. “The Editorial Methods of Venegas de Henestrosa”. Musica Disciplina 6 (1952): 105-13. Article: journal
Ward, John. “The Folia”. International Musicological Society, Report of the Fifth Congress, Utrecht, 1953. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1954. 415-22. Article: book
Ward, John. “The Name and Nature of the Vihuela”. Journal of the American Musicological Society 1.3 (1948): 53. Article: journal
Ward, John. “The Relationship of Folk and Art Music in 17th-Century Spain”. Studi Musicali 12 (1983): 281-300. Article: journal
Ward, John. “The Use of Borrowed Material in 16th-Century Instrumental Music”. Journal of the American Musicological Society 5 (1952): 88-98. Article: journal
Waterhouse, David B “Japan,” The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Stanley Sadie, 2nd ed., London: Macmillan, 2000. Vol. 12, 853. Article: reference
Watt, Sally. “Simon Boyleau, Motetta quatuor vocum (Venice: G. Scotto, 1544: an edition and study”. M. Mus. diss. University of Melbourne, 2002. Book: Thesis
Weinmann, K. Johannes Tinctoris (1445-1511) und sein unbekannter Traktat ‘De inventione et usu musicae’. 2nd edn. Tutzing: Schneider, 1961. Book
Weisman, Maish. “The Paris vihuela reconstructed”. Galpin Society Journal 35 (1982): 68-77. Article: journal
Whetnall, Jane. “Song and Canciones in the Cancionero general de 1511”. The Age of the Catholic Monarchs, 1474-1516. Literary Studies in Memory of Keith Whinnom, ed. A. Deyermond y I. Macpherson. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1989. 197-207. Article: book