
Author Item Publication Type
Schreiner, Michael. “The Chambure vihuela”. Lute Society of America Quarterly 37, no. 3-4, (Aug-Nov, 2002): 7-11. Article: journal
Segerman, Ephraim. “On the gittern’s body change around 1500” FoMRHI Quarterly no. 115 (March 2010): 42 (communication 1903) Article: journal
Segerman, Ephraim. “Vihuela string quality and thickness, and the Paris vihuela”. FoMRHI Quarterly no. 85 (Oct. 1996): 30. Article: journal
Segerman, Ephraim. “Why it was the vihuela and not the lute in 16th century Spain”. FoMRHI Quarterly no. 115 (March 2010): 44 (communication 1906)
Segerman, Ephraim. “How were the Earliest Viols Played?” FoMRHI Quarterly no. 100 (July 2000): 34-35. Article
Sherr, Richard (ed.). Four-Voice Motets from the Motetti del fiore Series: Part II. musicians in Renaissance Rome and other courts. The Sixteenth-Century Motet, 10. New York: Garland and London, 1999. Book: Edition
Simón Díaz, Jóse. Bibliografía de la literatura hispánica, vol. 8. Madrid: Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes" de Filología Hispánica; CSIC: 1950-1993 Book: reference
Simpson; Mason Glenda; Barry. “The sixteenth-century Spanish romance; a survey of the Spanish ballad as found in the music of the vihuelistas”. Early Music 5 (1977), 51-58. Article: journal
Sisto, Luigi. I liutai tedeschi a Napoli tra Cinque e Seicento. Storia di una migrazione in senso contrario. Roma: Instituto per la Storia della Musica, 2010. Book
Skei, Allen B. “‘Dulces exuviae’: Renaissance settings of Dido’s last words”. Music Review 37 (1976): 78-91. Article: journal
Smith, Douglas Alton. “A Brief History of the Lute as cultural Symbol”. Luths et luthistes en Occident: Actes du Colloque 13-15 mai 1998. Paris: Cité de la Musique, 1999. 43-50. Article: book
Smith, Douglas Alton. A History of the Lute from Antiquity to the Renaissance. N. p.: The Lute Society of America, 2002. Book
Smith, Douglas Alton. “The Musical Instrument Inventory of Raymond Fugger”. Galpin Society Journal 33 (1980): 36-44. Article: journal
Smith, Hopkinson. “Narváez, Luys de”. New Grove (1980) Article: reference
Smith, Dorman H, & Laurie Eagleson Guitar and Lute Music in Periodicals: an Index. Berkeley, CA: Fallen Leaf Press, 1990. Book: reference
Sobrino, Ramón. “El Conde de Morphy (1836-1899), protagonista musical de una época. Epistolarios a Albéniz y Pedrell”. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana 7 (1999): 61-102. Book: journal
Sohns, Eduardo. “Seis versiones del villancico Con qué la lavaré en los cancioneros españoles del siglo XVI”. Revista de Musicología 10 (1987): 173-220. Article: journal
Sohns, Eduardo. Villancicos de diversos Autores. Ed. Eduardo Sohns. 3 vols. Buenos Aires: Eduardo Sohns Libros de Música, 2002. [Cancionero de Uppsala] Book: Edition
Sol, Manuel del. “Lamentaciones para vihuela fuera de los muros de la catedral”. Roseta 3 (2009): 6-23. Article: journal
Soriano Fuertes, Mariano. Historia de la Música Española desde la venida de los fenicios hasta el año de 1850. 4 vols. Barcelona: Narciso Ramirez and Madrid: Martín y Salazar, 1855-59. Book: Reference