
Vihuela strings in shop inventory

1614 Archivo de Tribunales (now part of the Archivo Histórico de Córdoba)

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Document Date Century City Province
Vihuela strings in shop inventory 1614 17cent/1/early Argentina

Among the effects of a shop in Córdoba, valued in that year, "4 dozen biguela strings, 3 to the real, were registered" (Archivo de Tribunales E. 1, E, 35, e. 2). (now part of the Archivo Histórico de Córdoba). Information from poulton1982, pp. 15-16, and drawn from and drawn from grenonN.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Archivo de Tribunales (now part of the Archivo Histórico de Córdoba) E. 1, E, 35, e. 2
Original text

1614 Among the effects of a shop, valued in that year, "4 dozen biguela strings, 3 to the real, were registered"

People mentioned

Information from poulton1982 and drawn from grenonN.

John Minsheu, in A Dictionary of Spanish and English (London, l599, translates a peso de Plata as 'fewer shillinges English' and a Peso de oro as 'eight shillings English'. Minsheu translates a real as 'sixe pence'.