
Poulton, Diana.

“The vihuela in Latin America.” Lute Society Journal, 22 (1982): 15-16.

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Article: journal 1982 poulton1982

Offers a list of quotations referring to the vihuela, taken from Latin American sources between 1575 and 1825 and included in Nuestra primera musica instrumental: datos historicos [Our first instrumental music: historical data], by P. Grenon (Buenos Aires, 1929). RILM NO.: 82-01401-ap

In 1929 a Jesuit priest, P. Grenon, published, in Buenos Aires, a book called Nuestra Primera Musica Instrumental: Datos Historicos and, in a short preface he explains that, in order to correct, as he says, a number of false statements made about the history of music in the colonial days of Latin America, he has under­ taken the 'interminable task' of searching through letters, inventories, wills, lists of the contents of shops, accounts of buying and selling and certain histories from that time. A large number of the quotations he gives come from among the fifty thousand documents, covering the years 1575 to 1825, in the Archivo de Tribunales, a good part of which, he tells us, have their origin in the province of Cordoba, while others come from nearby regions. In reproducing Father Grenon's entries I have kept closely to the way in which they are set out in his book. He always shows the actual quotation in inverted commas. Among all Father Grenon's quotations concerning other instruments such as lutes, flutes, organs, bandurrias, guitars, 'discanres', and singing and dancing, the following references to the vihuela are found. In translating from the Spanish I have preserved the original spelling of the word vihuela as it is interesting to see how it seems to follow the changing fashion in Spanish orthography.



Instrument VIHUELA

Century 16CENT



Music genre