
Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa, Plaza Universal de todas Ciencias.


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Document Date Century City Province
Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa, Plaza Universal de todas Ciencias. 1615 17cent/1/early Madrid Madrid

The authornames several of the leading vihuelists of his time and also defines dancing as a set of ordered movements made to the accompaniment of the harp, vihuela and lute.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
non-fiction print Vihuelas Literature Lute Guitar
Original text

“Este artificioso efxercicio de dançar consiste todo en cierta diligencia y regla de acciones ordenadas, y passos medidos al son de Harpa, Vihuela, Laud, y otros instrumentos (fol 214v)


Further references to add from fols. 193v and 195 where he refers to the Vihuela, Lute amd Guitar.