
Capilla de los Daza, transfer of an investment.

1534 Archivo Histórico Nacional

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Document Date Century City Province
Capilla de los Daza, transfer of an investment. 1534 16cent/2/mid Valladolid Castilla-León

Transfer of an investment of 1700 mrs per year on land in the huerta de Adalia in Valladolid. See D0003 for more information

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons AHN Archivo Histórico Nacional Cleros, legajo 7706, fol. 109
Original text

Traspasación de 1700 mrs para la dotación desta capilla sobre la huerta de Adalia. Año 1534. Cajón 13.A.5

People mentioned

This transaction appears to have been part of the investment portfolio connected with the establishment of the Daza family chapel in San Benito el Real in Valladolid
