
Inca Bohorguez

Active 1657

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Inca Bohorguez M P0642

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
harp vihuela arpa Government (state) Royalty Patron

Years active Place active Century Region
1657 17cent/2/mid America
Biographical information

1657 The senor Enrique Pefia , in a praiseworthy contribution to colonial history, has recently published an extract about the fiestas held in the old Londres del Tucuman in the year 1657, on the occasion of the reception of the Inca Bohorguez. In the said documentation the capias which they sang in the Church of the Compania were reproduced. According to the deeds of the Governor, written down two years later, the informants Ahumadas and Rodriguez declared that they were sung "with the harp", and Luis de Hoyas testified "that chanzonetas were sung in this mass with harp, biguela and sirara" (Doc. del Archivo de Indias). Information from poulton1982, pp. 15-16, and drawn from grenonN

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Source documents
Date Document
1657 Londres del Tucumán, “Chansonetas” sung in church with “harpa, biguela y sirara”.

Ref Author Item Pages
grenonN Grenón, Pedro. Nuestra primera musica instrumental: datos historicos. Buenos Aires: Librería “La Cotizadora economica”, 1929.
poulton1982 Poulton, Diana. “The vihuela in Latin America.” Lute Society Journal, 22 (1982): 15-16.