
Gareth, Benedetto [o Benet] “il Cariteo”

Active 1496-1514

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Benedetto [o Benet] “il Cariteo” Gareth Barcelona c. 1450 Naples 1514 M P0410

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
guitarra Musician Professional Court - royal Instrumentalist (plucked) Singer

Years active Place active Century Region
1496-1514 Barcelona Naples 15cent/3/late Naples
Biographical information

In times of Fernando II (1458-94) the Barcelona-born poet and guitarrista (citaredo), Benedetto [or Benet] Gareth, (Barcelona c. 1450 - Naples 1514), known as “il Cariteo” was a poet singer and guitarrista in Naples. He was secretary to Ferdinand I and as secretary of state to Ferdinand II for whom he sang poems by Virgil at Ferdinand’s request (Haraszti, 12-31, cited in gasserM, 165) At Ferdinand’s wedding in 1496, he sang numerous frottole. He composed 32 frottole (Petrucci, Frottole, Libro nono, RISM 1509/2), one of which appears arranged for voice and lute in Bossinensis (Brown 1511/1, no 10, fol 11v = RISM 1509/2 fol 55v). Gásser comments that the simple conjunct melodic style is not unlike Milán’s. His poetry is edited in percope1892.

Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
cardamone2001 Cardamone, Donna G. "Gareth, Benedetto." Grove Music Online. 2001; Accessed 4 Jan. 2020.
gallo1992 Gallo, F. Alberto. Musica nel castello: Trovatori, libri, oratori nelle corti italiane dal XII al XV secolo, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1992.
gasserM Gasser, Luis. Luis Milán on Sixteenth-Century Performance Practice. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1996. 165
haar1986 Haar, James. “Improvvisatori and their Relationship to Sixteenth-Century Music.” Essays on Italian Poetry and Music in the Renaissance, 1350-1600, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 1986. 76-99
haraszti1955 Haraszti, Emile. “La technique des Improvisateurs de langue vulgaire et de latin au quattrocento”. Revue Belge de Musicologie 9 (1955): 12-31. 12-31
percope1892 Percope, Erasmo. Le rime di Benedetto Gareth detto il Chariteo. Biblioteca Napoletana di Storia e Letteratura, 1. Naples 1892.

John Griffiths