
So y de Castro, Guillén

Active 1514

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Guillén So y de Castro M P0354

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Nobility Patron Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
1514 Zaragoza 16cent/1/early Aragon
Biographical information

calahorraZ, pp. 326-7 • 1514.08.08. A receipt for payment made to a vihuela player Iñigo de Ejea by the archbishop of Zaragoza for having taught a young nobleman under his guardianship, the “noble señor don Guillén de So y de Castro, Vizconde de Enol, 484 sueldos jaqueses in total since 1513.05.25 “del trabajo por mí sostenido en demostrar de tañer vihuela al dicho señor Vizconde”. Further information about this musician is found in documents from 1521 and 1522.

Related persons
Iñigo de Ejea was his

Ref Author Item Pages
calahorraZ Calahorra, Pedro. La musica en Zaragoza en los siglos XVI y XVII. 2 vols. Zaragoza: Institucion Fernando el Catolico, 1977-1978. 326-7