
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Soneto 02: Soneto lombardo a manera de danza


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 89v


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Source title Este soneto es lo[m]bardo, y es a manera de dança/ en el Primero grado.
Title in contents   Soneto lombardo a manera de dança en el primero grado.
Text incipit


Category dance

Genre pavana

Fantasia type

Mode 5

Voices 3

Length (compases) 134


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final IV/0

Highest I/5

Lowest VI/2

Difficulty easy

Tempo medium

Song Text


Vocal notation


Rubric “This ittle tune is from Lombardy, and it goes in the manner of a dance. First level [lof difficulty]. This piece was edited in pujol1965 as “Soneto VII”.

As seems to be the case with a number of the pieces Valderrábano designates as “sonetos” this piece appears to be one that he became familiar with, but was inaware of the exact title or name of the piece, so he appears to have to chosen to include it as part of his miscellany of uncategorised pieces that he called “sonetos”. The piece appears to have been a well known pavane outside of Spain.
Various concordances listed in Heartz, Preludes, chansons and dances (heartz1964). Other versions appear in
• Attaingnant, Dixhuit basses dances (Paris, 1530) =Brown 1530/3 nº 45, Paduana;
• Attaingnant, Neuf basses dances deux branles vingt et cinq Pavennes avec quinze Gaillardes (Paris, 1530) =Brown 1530/5 nº 48, Pavenne 22
• Hans Newsidler, Ein Newgeordent Künstlich Lautenbuch (Nuremberg, 1536) =Brown 153j6/6 nº 67, Ein guter welscher tantz. (transcribed in Helmut Mönkemeyer, Hans Neusidler "Ein Newgeordent Lautenbuch", Die Tablatur, Heft 1 (Hofheim am Taunus, n.d.), p. 24.


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Song Text

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