
Luis Milán

Fantasía 11


El Maestro (1536), fol. D2v


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Source title [Y estas dos fantasias siguientes van por los terminos del primero y segundo tono]
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Category abstract

Genre fantasia

Fantasia type Id+Im

Mode 1+2

Voices 3

Length (compases) 124


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final V/0

Highest I/5

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text


Vocal notation


There is no title for this fantasia in the source. The rubric to Fantasia 10 simply says that “these two next fantasias go according to terms of the first and second modes”. It is a Fantasia in consonancias and redobles style, unmistakably Milán. The work contains snippets from several other fantasias in El Maestro. In this work, he introduces some textures not seen in previous fantasias especially in the first section. The form is a little wayward – “picturesque” – deviates from his idea. The following diagram shows the first and last sections as the most substantial. Both employ repetition. Sections II, III, IV are perhaps able to be grouped together as IV represents the working out of the material of II, with sidetracking in between. Theme 2b is first given as the second motive in theme 1.


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wallace02 Ay de Mi! Frank Wallace solo Mudarra Narváez Milán Valderrábano Pisador Fuenllana Flecha Vásquez

moreno01 Canto del Cavallero José Miguel Moreno solo Fuenllana, Pisador, Valderrábano, Milán

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griffiths01 The Echo of Orpheus John Griffiths solo Narváez Daza Valderrábano Milán Mudarra Fuenllana

smith01 El Maestro: 1. Música de vihuela Hopkinson Smith solo Milan

moreno-quinteiro01 Luys de Milán: Fantasía José Miguel Moreno & Eligio Quinteiro solo ensemble Milán

lonardi01 El Maestro - Milan: Works For Vihuela Massimo Lonardi solo Milán Narváez

rooley01 Renaissance Fantasias Anthony Rooley solo Milán Mudarra Narváez

maier01 The Art of Vihuela Ralph Maier solo Milán Narváez Mudarra Valderrábano Fuenllana Daza

martin01 Luis Milan - El Maestro Edward Martin solo Milán

rivera04 Tañer de gala. Música para vihuela Juan Carlos Rivera solo Milán Narváez Mudarra Valderrábano Pisador

lonardi03 Libros de Música para Vihuela Massimo Lonardi solo Milán Narváez Mudarra Valderrábano Fuenllana Daza Pisador

taylor01 Music for Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain David Munrow / James Tyler (vihuela) ensemble vihuela song solo Milán Mudarra

ragossnig02 Musik für Laute - Music for Lute - Musique pour Luth Konrad Ragossnig Milán Mudarra Narváez

tyler01 Instruments of the Middle Ages and Renaissance Early Music Consort of London. David Munrow (James Tyler, Vihuela) solo Milán

iadone01 The Art of the Lute Joseph Iadone Milán Mudarra Narváez Canova da Milano

mito01 Music for vihuela 2: O gloriosa domina Shigeo Mito solo Milán Mudarra Narváez

muska01 Vihuela Fantasies - Roots of the Classical Guitar Series (Digital Only) Terry Muska solo Milán Mudarra Narváez

escobar01 Luis Milán (c.1500-c.1561) El Maestro, Libro I (1536) Works for Solo Vihuela José Antonio Escobar solo Milán

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cherici01 El Siglo de Oro: Obras para vihuela 1 Paolo Cherici solo Milán Narváez

Song Text

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