
Angel Musicians in the Longa de los Mercaderes, Valencia 1484-c.1498,

(1484-1497) - Valencia, Lonja de los Mercaderes
instrument: vihuela de arco | century: 15cent/3/late | catalogue nº: 15-367g

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Creator Girbés, Martí

Medium Artwork: Woodcut


City Valencia | Region Valencia | Old kingdom Aragon

Body Waisted Strings None Neck Short Pegbox Unclear
Bridge Not visible Frets No Back Not visible Pegs None
Technique Bowed a gamba

This impressive Guildhall in Valencia was built in the period 1484 until c.1498. Its ceiling was painted by Martí Girbés, originally with a blue ceiling and gold stars. In the junctions in the panels of the vaulted ceilings are “claves” many of which are carved to show the patron saints of the various guilds represented. Of the total of 107, 52 are carved with depictions of angels. Among them are 28 angel musicians playing a total of 17 different instruments. Of interest here are 4 vihuelas de mano, 3 vihuelas de arco, 2 lutes, and 2 triangular psalteries. The sculptor of these finials is not known but they were subsequently painted by Martí Girbés it is thought.

15-367g vihuela de arco

IMAGE: Candela Perpiñá García, “Los ángeles de la Lonja de los Mercaderes (perpiñá2014)

