
Cherubs playing the vihuela, lute and harp Wall painting, Ermita de San Segundo [Shrine of St Segundo] Church of San Segundo, Avila. Mid 16th century?

Avila: Ermita de San Segundo.
instrument: vihuela de mano | century: 16cent/2/mid | catalogue nº: 16-242

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Medium Artwork: Painting


City Avila | Region Castilla-León | Old kingdom Castile

Body Waisted Strings Unclear Neck Short Pegbox Angled flat
Bridge Obscured Frets Unclear Back Flat Pegs Unclear
Technique Plucked fingers

The Ermita de San Segundo dates from the 13th century but was significanty remodelled in the 16th century. This cherub is one of a number of cherubs painted on the half-dome on the rear wall of this Gothic church, above the main altar. In the photgraph, the gold object at the bottom left is the gilded top of the altarpiece. The altarpiece and most of the interior decor is from the sixteenth century. The chapel was renovated in 1519, after relics of San Segundo were found there, and had several artworks added during the next 50 years. Bellow dated the painting erroneously as from the 15th century.

A cherub holds a vihuela de mano, one of a choir of angels surounding the virgin at the centre of the altarpiece. Given the quality of available photographic images, it is difficult to discern much of the detail that the painting may contain.

