
Constituciones Synodales del Arçobispado de Granada / hechas por ... Pedro Guerrero Arçobispo de la Sancta Yglesia de Granada. Granada: Hugo de Mena, 1573.


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Constituciones Synodales del Arçobispado de Granada / hechas por ... Pedro Guerrero Arçobispo de la Sancta Yglesia de Granada. Granada: Hugo de Mena, 1573. 1573 16cent/3/late Granada Andalucia

The Synod Constitutions of Granada detail fines to be imposed on those priests and other church officers who allow people fleeing the law and taking refuge in churches of the city for “gambling, or playing vihuelas or communicating with women or in other profane and dishonest conversations..."

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
non-fiction print Vihuelas Performance Practice
Original text

[fol. 101r, 1573; p. 190, 1805] “Ítem, porque somos informados que algunas personas que se retraen a las iglesias a gozar de su inmunidad están en ellas deshonestamente y con mal ejemplo, jugando o tañendo vihuelas o comunicando con mujeres o en otras conversaciones profanas y deshonestas...”

People mentioned

This passage comes from the chapter of the constitutions that deals with the immunities enjoyed by churches, such as being a safe haven for those pursued by justice, such as vagabonds. The decree warns priests, beneficiaries and sacristans of the archbishopric that they can be fined up to one ducado for allowing people fleeing justice to stay for longer than three days “dishonestly and with bad example, playing, or playing vihuelas or communicating with women or in other profane and dishonest conversations...". Ruiz Jiménez comments that these people, also known as "retraídos", sometimes stayed in churches and convents for a prolonged period of time.