
Ferdinando d'Alarçon, Inventory of musical instruments

1592.09.30 Biblioteca del Archivio di Stato, Naples

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Document Date Century City Province
Ferdinando d'Alarçon, Inventory of musical instruments 1592.09.30 16cent/3/late Naples Italy

Musical Instruments in a 1592 Inventory of the Marquis Ferdinando d'Alarçon. The inventory on 12 folios lists 253 items, 49 of which are musical instruments. The plucked stringed instruments have been included here. There is one large vihuela de mano and the case of another.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Lute I-Na Biblioteca del Archivio di Stato, Naples Notai 332/12
Original text

[164] Uno conserto di viole ad arco di pezzi cinque sensa corde le quattro quasi nove
[165] Una viola ad arco detto bascio rotta et vechia
[166] Un liuto grandissº sensa corde con la sua vesta
[167] Quattro arpe tra grande et piccole sensa corde
[168] Uno liuto ad dui manichi co la sua vesta
[169] Tre liuti dui ordinarij et uno piccolo de ebano co le cascie
[170] Una viola ad mano grande et rotta)
[171] Un liuto piccolo rotto
[172] Quatro cascie de viola e tre de liuto rotte
[173] Unaltra cascia vecchia de viola ad mano
[175] Una cetola con corde
[182] Una sacha di piruli et altri per just[ament]i de musicha di tela gialla

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
d’Alarçon de Mendoza, Ferdinando Deceased Nobility

The collection includes a large number of recorders, flutes, cornetti, crumhorns, and 6 viols, 6 lutes, 1 vihuela and 5 vihuela cases, a cittern and 4 harps. The disrepair of these instruments suggests that they were probably remnants of an earlier period of the Marquis’ lavish life. The folloing are the items of relevance here. The more complete descriiptions of them are given above.
[164] A consort of five viols (or violins?) without strings, four of which are almost new
[165] broken bass viol
[166] a very large lute without strings with its cloth bag
[167] four harps
[168] a lute with two necks and its cloth bag -- possibly a tirba or chitarrone
[169] Three lutes two of which are normal size, and one small ebony lute, with their cases
[170] A large broken vihuela
[171] A small broken lute
[172] Four broken vihuela cases and three broken lute cases
[173] Another old case of a vihuela
[175] A cittern with strings
[182] A bag of pegs and other music items of yellow cloth