
Cenete inventory

1521 Archivo de la Villa de Madrid

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Document Date Century City Province
Cenete inventory 1521 16cent/1/early Valencia Aragon

The inventory of the first Marquis of Cenete includes a group of intruments including vihuelas, a guitar, two lutes, keyborads, harp.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas AVM Archivo de la Villa de Madrid Archivo de la Familia de los Duques de Pastrana, L.M. 327
Original text

una viola gran negra molt bella dins una caxa de cuyro negre,
una altra viola de ceti ques diu la viola de Joan Ferrandis en una caixa,
una viola chiqua de seu? e un guitarro ayllon los dos en una caixa,
una altra viola bigarrada sense cordes en un estoig lo qual feu Guadaluxe en Valencia,
un laut dins un estoig cubert de cuyro negre ab sa tancadura,
dos manacorts chiqs,
dos arpes grans la una daurada e l’altra sense daurar dins ses caixes landades negres ab fundes de cuyro,
hun instrument ques diu claviorgano cubert de vellut negre e lo ques mostra a la part de dins forrat de brocat carmesi d’esglesia ab la clavaso daurada ab letres que diu en Laudo mia sorte,
altre instrument ques diu clavicimbalo en una caixa forrada de llens vert

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Ayllón, Pedro de Living Artisan
Ayllón, Rodrigo de (1) Living Artisan
Guadalupe, Alonso de Living Artisan
Díaz de Vilar y Mendoza, Primer marqués de Cenete, Rodrigo Living
Ayllón, Living Artisan
Ferrandis, Joan Living

• The maker described as Guadalupe could be Alonso de Guadalupe. There are several makers of the Ayllón dynasty but none in Valencia. According to Knighton, Inmaculada Sanchis has documented a violero by the name of Ayllon in Valencia in 1526-1527 (Knighton2016-1, 108 note a)
• The inventory in English reads: a very beautiful black big viola in a black leather box, / another viola de ceti that says it is a vihuela by Joan Ferrandis in a case, / a small vihuela of his? and a guitar by Ayllon both in a case, / another damaged vihuela without strings made by Guadaluxe in Valencia / a lute in a case covered with black leather with its clasp, /two small clavichords, /two large harps, one gilded, the other not, in their black cases of leather, / an instrument called claviorgan covered in black velvet and what is shown in the inner part of the crimson brocade lining of church with the gilded tuning pegs with letters that says “in praise of my fortune”, / another instrument that is called clavicimbalo in a box lined with green linen