
Diego Pisador obligated to restitue money to Alonso Pisador


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Document Date Century City Province
Diego Pisador obligated to restitue money to Alonso Pisador 1557.12.14 16cent/2/mid Salamanca Castilla-León

The final decision in the suit over the annuity in Valleruela was that Diego Pisador was ordered by the teniente of Salamanca to pay his father 36 ducados in respect of this matter. Diego had not denied the charges but had explained that he had paid 6000 mrs and 66 reales already as well as some other annuities that he shared with his sister Francisca. The sentence of the teniente of Salamanca was reaffirmed by the Chancillería in Valladolid

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Pisador, Diego Living Bourgeoisie
Pisador, Alonso Living
Ortiz, Isabel Deceased Bourgeoisie
