
Queen Isabelle de VaIois, household accounts.

1563 Archivo General de Simancas

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Document Date Century City Province
Queen Isabelle de VaIois, household accounts. 1563 16cent/2/mid Madrid Madrid

In the in the accounts of Queen Isabelle de Valois for July and October 1561, seven vihuela-players (musicos de vihuela) are mentioned (Luis Mazollaro, Esteban Dico, Nicolas Branton, Antonio Dico, Bautista Topiars, Clemente da Crema and a musette player, Francisco Baillo,)

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas AGS Archivo General de Simancas CSR Leg. 37, fol. 3 and 27
Original text

Músicos de vihuela
El dicho dia. A los siete músicos de vihuela a cada uno de ellos dos cientos y veinte y cinco reales a quenta de sus gajes

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Valois, Isabel de Living Royalty
Mazollaro, Luis Living Artisan

Original text: given in corona1999, document reproductions fig1 and fig. 2, pp. 310-311. The payments are to musicians Isabel had brought to Spain from France: Luis Mazollaro, Esteban Dico, Nicolas Branton, Antonio Dico, Bautista Topiars, Clemente da Crema and a musette player, Francisco Baillo, and who figure in her accounts from 1560-1569.