
Queen Isabelle de VaIois, household accounts.

1561 Archivo General de Simancas

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Document Date Century City Province
Queen Isabelle de VaIois, household accounts. 1561 16cent/2/mid Madrid Madrid

In the in the accounts of Queen Isabelle de Valois for July and October 1561, seven vihuela-players (musicos de vihuela) are mentioned (Luis Masolar, Esteban Dico, Nicolas Bianton, Antonio Dico, Bautista Topiar, Clemente de Crema and Francisco Bailo)

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas AGS Archivo General de Simancas CSR Leg. 37, fol. 3 and 27
Original text

Músicos de vihuela
El dicho dia. A los siete músicos de vihuela a cada uno de ellos dos cientos y veinte y cinco reales a quenta de sus gajes

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Valois, Isabel de Living Royalty
Mazollaro, Luis Living Artisan
Dico, Esteban Living Servant
Branton, Nicolas Living Servant
Dico, Antonio Living Servant
Topiars, Bautista Living Servant
Crema, Clemente da Living Servant
Baillo, Francisco Living Servant

Original text: given in corona1999, document reproductions fig1 and fig. 2, pp. 310-311. The payments are to musicians Isabel had brought to Spain from France: Luis Mazollaro, Esteban Dico, Nicolas Branton, Antonio Dico, Bautista Topiars, Clemente da Crema and a musette player, Francisco Baillo, and who figure in her accounts from 1560-1569.

corona1999, p. 29: “The 1561 accounts provide the only case where a bowed instrument is called "vihuela" without any further clarification, whether by means of a qualifying phrase or from the context, and it confirms that the terminology was flexible enough to be stretched so as to include both the bowed and the plucked instrument.”