
Secretarial correspondence (Fernando el Católico)

1501 Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia

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Secretarial correspondence (Fernando el Católico) 1501 16cent/1/early Toledo?

Correspondence between royal secretaries that attests to Fernando el Católico listening to vihuela music during the afternoon siesta: “Yesterday his highness rose early and, having prayed, went to church and stayed for the whole service, after which he ate and then rested a little, reading. As usual his highness went hunting and killed two kites. This morning his highness attended Mass in the church, as usual after eating there was vihuela music, after which he went to Vespers.”

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
Performance Practice Vihuelas Persons E-Mah Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia Colección Salazar y Castro A11, fol. 301.
Original text

ayer su alteza se llevanto bien de mañana y después de hauer rezado fuesse a la yglesia y estuuo en todo el offigio despues de comer durmió hun poco leyendo como suele fue su altesa a caça y mato dos milanes esta mañana hovo su altesa missa y en la yglesia como suele después de comer hovo música de biuela después fue a bisperas ...

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Fernando el Católico Living Royalty

Knighton 1983, 210: “Yesterday his highness rose early and, having prayed, went to church and stayed for the whole service, after which he ate and then rested a little, reading. As usual his highness went hunting and killed two kites. This morning his highness attended Mass in the church, as usual after eating there was vihuela music, after which he went to Vespers.”