
Versos en octavas con el ultimo quebrado

1701…1717 Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid

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Versos en octavas con el ultimo quebrado 1701…1717 18cent/1/early Sevilla Andalucia

Poem in octavas in praise of the city of Seville, by a foreigner to be sung to the vihuela. Exemplifies the use of the term vihuela into the 18th century to designate 5-course guitar.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary print Literature Vihuelas E-Mn Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid MSS 9275, no 23, fol. 70r-v.
Original text

Versos en octavas con el ultimo quebrado à la ciudad de Sevilla, en alabança de sus grandezas / hechas por un Forastero, su aficionado, para cantar à la Vihuela. Sevilla: por Francisco de Leefdael en el Correo Viejo, [1701-1717]

People mentioned

Physical description: 1 folio in 4º. Text in two a columns. Details of place and printer from the colophon. Francisco [van/de] Laeefdael was active as a printer in Sevilla between 1700-1717. E-Mn, Bar code: 5042108-1001. Not available in Biblioteca Digital Hispanica [checked 21/08/2016]