
Canciones musicales por Cristóbal Cortés Rodrigo Ordóñez el maestro Navarro y otros

1548 Museo Lázaro Galdiano (Madrid)

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Canciones musicales por Cristóbal Cortés Rodrigo Ordóñez el maestro Navarro y otros 1548 16cent/2/mid Madrid Madrid

Manuscript held in the Museo Lázaro Galdiano de Madrid. Oblong format, 22.5 x 17 cm. Contains the tiple part of 55 polyphonic works. Two copyists: the main one copied nos 1-53; the second copied nos 54-55. Its call number in the library is 681 and its acquisition number is 15411.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
music source Music E-Mlg Museo Lázaro Galdiano (Madrid) MS 648
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Guerrero, Francisco Professional

Has concordances with many works in the Cancionero de Medinaceli and with 12 pieces in the Libro tercero of Daza’s El Parnasso.

Translated from yevesGALDIANO:
Title: Canciones musicales por Cristobal Cortes, Rodrigo Ordóñez, el Maestro Navarro y otros [Manuscrito]. Date: 1548.
Physical description: 46 folios, 17 x 23 cm.
Contents: Musical and poetic cancionero that only includes music for the tiple [soprano]. fol 1: Incipit Marina Juro a mi que si a otra cosa...
Notes: On the cover, following the title the date is given: "año 1548". The folios are numbered on the uppor part that has attempted to be erased, and the flios subsequently renumbered. The last two numbered folios are blank. During binding the work the order and structure of the original has been altered.
Identifier: [Catálogo Colectivo de Patrimonio Bibliográfico] CCPB001016458-8