
Martín Ramírez, Inventory.

1565.02.13 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Madrid

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Document Date Century City Province
Martín Ramírez, Inventory. 1565.02.13 16cent/2/mid Madrid

Inventory of his belongings taken after his death. Includes tools (valued at 112 reales) and instruments. The instruments were not valued in the inventory but comprised “dos laudes y una biolica d’arco, quinze viguelas y seis guitarras.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Lute Vihuelas Persons Guitar AHPMad Archivo Histórico Provincial de Madrid Prot. 130
Original text

Inventario de sus bienes - after his death. includes tools (valued at 112 reales) and instruments. The instruments were not valued in the inventory but comprised “dos laudes y una biolica d’arco, quinze viguelas y seis guitarras.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Ramírez, Martín Deceased Artisan

Violero: 1548 - gave power of attorney to Diego de Salazar. Romanillos comments that this is the earliest known reference to a violero in Madrid.
1565 - made his will: he was married to Catalina López, they had eight children. At this time he had a house in calle Mayor, Madrid, número 15.