
Isabel Alvarez, inventory.

1591.12.05 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Toledo

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Document Date Century City Province
Isabel Alvarez, inventory. 1591.12.05 16cent/3/late Toledo Andalucia

The inventory includes an unidentified book of tablature for vihuela, suggesting that Isabel Alvarez was also probably a vihuelist.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons AHPT Archivo Histórico Provincial de Toledo leg 2652, fol 880v.
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Alvarez, Isabel

Reynaud does not specify which one but alludes to her inventory as among the most modest, and uses the point to suggest that vihuela tablatures and vihuelas were widespread. [reynaudPT, p. 398]