
María Alvarez, inventory.

1556 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Valladolid

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Document Date Century City Province
María Alvarez, inventory. 1556 16cent/2/mid Valladolid Castilla-León

The inventory post mortem of María Alvarez, wife of vihuela maker Luis Alonso. According to Schöner (schöner1999, 114), he is listed in the index of names in AHPV as a “violero andante en la corte de S.M.”

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons AHPV Archivo Histórico Provincial de Valladolid Protocolos, legajo 237, fols 73-74
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Alonso, Luis Living Artisan