
María de Tofiño, will.

1575.06.20 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Toledo

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Document Date Century City Province
María de Tofiño, will. 1575.06.20 16cent/3/late Toledo Castilla-La Mancha

The will of the first wife of violero Mateo de Arratia. She died within a few days of dictating the will. She left her estate to the sons of her first marriage, Diego and Francisco de Portillo, probably from husband violero Juan de Portillo.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons AHPT Archivo Histórico Provincial de Toledo Protocolos, legajo 1564, fol. 546
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Arratia, Mateo de Living Artisan
Portillo, Juan de Deceased Artisan
Portillo, Diego de Living Artisan