
Juan de Aldaz, certification as a violero.

1607-07-03 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Madrid

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Document Date Century City Province
Juan de Aldaz, certification as a violero. 1607-07-03 17cent/1/early Madrid Madrid

Diego Fernández (fol. 594) and Cristóbal Bejerano (fol. 594r) swear on oath that Juan de Aldaz had been examined for a plain vihuela (una biguela llana) by Antonio Duarte and Juan de Carrión in 1586 and Juan de Aldaz was given a licence to have a shop.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons AHPMad Archivo Histórico Provincial de Madrid Protocolos, leg. 24848, fols 594-5
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Carrión, Juan de Artisan
Duarte, Antonio Living Artisan
Bejerano, Cristóbal Living Artisan
Aldaz, Juan de Living
Fernández, Diego Living Artisan