
Juan Aldaz and Gómez Mejía buy vihuela strings.

1585-02-21 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Madrid

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Document Date Century City Province
Juan Aldaz and Gómez Mejía buy vihuela strings. 1585-02-21 16cent/3/late Madrid Madrid

A Carta de Obligación (letter of obligation = recognition of debt) in which Juan de Aldaz, vihuelero, and Gómez Mexia, musician, makes a contract in Madrid to buy thirty-four and a half bundles of vihuela strings with the trade name la aguela [sic] at fifteen reales a bundle.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons Inst. making AHPMad Archivo Histórico Provincial de Madrid Protocolos, leg. 727, fols. 309-310
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Aldaz, Juan de Living