
César Oudin, Tesoro de las dos lenguas francesa y española.


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Document Date Century City Province
César Oudin, Tesoro de las dos lenguas francesa y española. 1607 17cent/1/early Paris France

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
non-fiction print Literature Vihuelas Guitar Lute
Original text

from corona1999 (p.41) “Oudin's definition of the vihuela reads a kind of instrument similar to the guitar but with six strings (une sorte d'instrument qui ressemble à la guitare & n'a que six cordes)”. (p. 45) The dictionaries also containt a separate entry for the bowed vihuela, defining it respectively as "Ia viell ou violon gui se ioUe avec vn archet" and "viola, o violone d'arco"

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Oudin , César Living Professional

(a) oudinTES, sig. k.ivv: Vihuela;
(b) ibid., sig. O.ii: Guitar;
(c) ibid., sig. T.iv: Lute;
(d) ibid., sig. Ss.ivv: Lute;
(e) ibid., sig. Xx.iiiv: Vihuela.