
John Minshew, A Dictionarie in Spanish and English.


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Document Date Century City Province
John Minshew, A Dictionarie in Spanish and English. 1599 16cent/3/late London England

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
non-fiction print Literature Vihuelas Lute Guitar
Original text

Vihuela. an instrument called a viall sometime a bandore
Vihuela de Arco. a viall de Gamba, or a great viall that men set betweene their legs to play
a Viall to play on vide Vihuela
a Viall de Gamba vide Vihuela de Arco

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Minsheu, John Living Professional

(a) minshewDIC, p. 138: Guitar;
(b) ibid., p. 156: Lute;
(c) ibid., p. 243: Vihuela;
(d) ibid., p. 305: Guitar;
(e) ibid., p. 323: Lute;
(f) ibid., p. 373: Vihuela.