
Cristóbal Perez de Herrera, Proverbios morales y consejos cristianos, muy provechosos...


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Document Date Century City Province
Cristóbal Perez de Herrera, Proverbios morales y consejos cristianos, muy provechosos... 1618 17cent/1/early Madrid Madrid

Poetic references to the vihuela and guitar that describe them somewhat figuratively.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
non-fiction print Literature Music Guitar Vihuelas
Original text

[guitarra, fols 119-199v]
Vn lazo en mi vientre ves,
vozes doy muy entonadas,
mas de animales prestadas,
tengo vna puente a mis pies,
cejas negras y estiradas

[vihuela, fols 133-133v]
Todos sin ser ordenada
ordenes dezis que tengo
pero aunque soy entonada
y de tanta orden cercada
dellas ni de Iglesia vengo.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Pérez de Herrera, Cristóbal Living Professional

corona1999, 300 notes with reference to the text about the guitarra: “Ceja usually meant the nut of the instrument, but here the context makes it plain that it refers to a carved bridge.” although this does not really make sense. The cejas may be a reference to another part higher on the instrument as the “puente” is at its feet.