
Boccaccio, Las mujeres ilustres.

1494-10-24 Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid

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Document Date Century City Province
Boccaccio, Las mujeres ilustres. 1494-10-24 15cent/3/late Zaragoza Zaragoza

Print in Las mujeres ilustres (Zaragoza: Pablo Hurus, 1494). Hurus was a German printer active in Zaragoza.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary print Literature Lute E-Mn Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid INC/2444
Original text

The poetess Sappho sitting playing the lute. A group of instruments on the floor around her includes another lute, a harp and shawm.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Boccaccio, Giovanni Deceased Professional
Hurus, Pablo Living Professional