
Receipt, purchase of gut.


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Document Date Century City Province
Receipt, purchase of gut. 1541.05.11 16cent/2/mid Barcelona Catalonia

A receipt for the purchase of gut for the making of instrument strings.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons
Original text

[inexact text] Melcior Gallard, violerius et corderius cordarum violarum, et Johannes Ferrán corderius dictarum cordarums fir­maron un recibo a favor de Gabiel Mordenyach, violero, ciudadano de Barcelona, de 16 libras, y 10 sueldos barceloneses que se le debían satisfacer por la mitad, en virtud del contrato firmado con el carnicero Pedro Salino, por la compra de «cordarum de multonis

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Ferrán, Johannes Living Artisan
Gallard, Melcior Living Artisan
Mordenyach, Gabriel Living Artisan

Baldelló does not give precise details of the source of this information. He claims it to be dated 11 May 1541 in Barcelona. Melchior Gallard, violero and string maker, and Joan Ferrán sign a receipt in favour of Gabriel Mordenyach, violero, and citizen of Barcelona for 16 libras and 10 sueldos of Barcelona money in respect of a contract signed with the butcher Pedro Salino for the purchase of «cordarum de multonis» (ram’s intestines) on 9 May.