
Burgo de Osma Cathedral, Cantoral.


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Document Date Century City Province
Burgo de Osma Cathedral, Cantoral. 1451-1499/ca 15cent Burgo de Osma Castilla-León

Burgo de Osma Cathedral, Cantoral

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
music source Literature Music
Original text

Border decoration from a Cantoral on parchment with the Assumption. Brevario Romano in 2 vols. Gothic style late 15th century.
Wide bridge and tailpiece. Few other details are discernible. Played by a woman in courtly attire, playing left-handed.

Border decoration from a Cantoral on parchment with th e feasts of San Jerónimo and the Ferias of Easter. Gothic style with renaissance influence. Burgo de Osma Cathedral.
Flat bridge and tailpiece. Played by an Angel.

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