
Book of Hours of Isabel la Católica.


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Document Date Century City Province
Book of Hours of Isabel la Católica. 1400-1499/ca 15cent El Escorial Madrid

Book of Hours of Isabel la Católica. San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Monastery Library.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
non-fiction print Literature Vihuelas
Original text

The birth of the Virgin. Border of a decorated page.
8 pegs in pegbox. Number of strings is not clear. C-holes are moon shaped. Played by an Angel.

Border of a decorated page.
Soundhole is in the centre of the instrument. Further details not visible. Played by an Angel.

Border of a miniature of “La Asunción”.
Soundhole is in the centre of the soundboard. Further details not visible. Played by an Angel.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Isabel la Catolica Living Royalty