
Anon., Almoneda en disparates.


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Document Date Century City Province
Anon., Almoneda en disparates. 1536/ca. 16cent/2/mid Burgos Castilla-León

Literary source that mentions the vihuela, lute and guitar.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary print Literature Vihuelas Guitar Lute
Original text

People mentioned

(a) casthua1933, p. 43: Vihuela;
(b) casthua1933, p. 45: Lute, Guitar.
corona1999, p. 187: (Burgos, c. 1563), published in facsimile in casthua1933, pp. 41-48. padillaTHE, fol. 40 1", includes a poem describing a shepherds' concert, where a character named "Pero Crespo" plays a tordion and gambetas; quoted
in subiraHIST, p. 292. For more information on this dance see cotareloC, I, p. cclix; and salazar1948, pp. 51 and 128-129.