
Bartolomé de Torres Naharro, Propalladia.


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Document Date Century City Province
Bartolomé de Torres Naharro, Propalladia. 1517 16cent/1/early Naples

HIMENEO. But go and bring me the vihuela:
perhaps I will deliver a canción,
so wrapped up in my passion
that all the world will grieve
except she
who cannot feel sorrow.
Text from corona1999, page 255
Bartolomé de Torres Naharro, "Comedia Ymenea", in Propalladia (Naples, 1517). Consulted in torresnaharroPRO, sig. S.; fdzmoratinOR, p. 142; gilletPRO II (1946), p. 279. Quoted in pujolM, p. 4.

1st SINGER What shall we do?
HIMENEO Sirs, we should begin.
1st SINGER Finish [adjusting] those frets.
2nd SINGER Will you shut up, idiot?
SINGER He isn't half polite!
Shall we perform what you
HIMENEO Yes, good. The canción first,
and then the villancico.
But yet, I beg you
let it be done in such a way
that my grief should be made plain
in your voices and music.

ext from corona1999, page 256
Torres Naharro, "Comedia Ymenea". Consulted in torresnaharroPRO, sig. S.iii; fdzmoratinOR, p. 145; gilletPRO, II (1946), pp. 287-288.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary print Vihuelas Literature Lute
Original text

Ymeneo. Mas vame por la viuela
quiça dire vna cancion
tan enbuelta en mi passion
que todo el mundo se duela
sino aquella
que dolor no cabe en ella.
Text from corona1999, page 255
Bartolomé de Torres Naharro, "Comedia Ymenea", in Propalladia (Naples, 1517). Consulted in torresnaharroPRO, sig. S.; fdzmoratinOR, p. 142; gilletPRO II (1946), p. 279. Quoted in pujolM, p. 4.

can [1°] que haremos
yme: señores que comencemos
can [1°] Acaba con esos trastes
can [2°] calla pues tu majadero
can [1°) como sobras de cortes
diremos lo que ordenastes
yme: si bien Ia cancion primero
y el villancico despues
pero yo os ruego portanto
que vaya Ia cosa tal
que se descubra mi mal
en vuestras bozes y canto.
Text from corona1999, page 256
Torres Naharro, "Comedia Ymenea". Consulted in torresnaharroPRO, sig. S.iii; fdzmoratinOR, p. 145; gilletPRO, II (1946), pp. 287-288.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Torres Naharro, Bartolomé de Living Ecclesiastical

(a) Comedia Ymenea: fdzmoratinOR, p. 142; gilletPRO, II, p. 279; pujolM, p. 4; torresnaharroPRO, sig. S[.i]: Vihuela;
(b) Ibid. fdzmoratinOR, p. 145; gilletPRO, II, p. 286; torresnaharroPRO, sig. S[.iii]: Lute.
(c) Ibid. fdzmoratinOR, p. 145; gilletPRO, II, pp. 287-288; torresnaharroPRO, sig. S[.iii]: ref. to fretted instruments.