
Fernando de Rojas, Comedia de Calixto y Melibea.


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Document Date Century City Province
Fernando de Rojas, Comedia de Calixto y Melibea. 1500 16cent/1/early Toledo Castilla-La Mancha

From: Fernando de Rojas, Tragicomedia de Calixto y Melibea (Toledo, 1500). Consulted in rojasTRAG, sig.; foulcheCALIX, p. 9; aribau1920, p. 6; criadoCE, p. 29. Quoted in knighton1992, p. 576.

CALISTO Semproniot
CALISTO Give me that lute
SEMPRONLO Here it is sir
CALISTO Que dolor puede ser tal
que se iguale con mi mal?
SEMPRONIO That lute is Out of tune [...]
CALISTO ... But sing and play the saddest
song you know
Mira nero de trapeya [sic]
a Roma como se ardia

From: rojasTRAG, sig. C.vii; foulcheCALIX, p. 50; aribau1920, p. 25; criadoCE, p. 89.
... and the best remedy he has, is taking a
vihuela, and he sings so many songs and such
pathetic ones [...] that although I know but
little of music, it seems he makes that vihuela
speak. And if by chance he sings, the birds
stop all the more willingly to hear him...

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary print Vihuelas Literature Lute
Original text

From: Fernando de Rojas, Tragicomedia de Calixto y Melibea (Toledo, 1500). Consulted in rojasTRAG, sig.; foulcheCALIX, p. 9; aribau1920, p. 6; criadoCE, p. 29. Quoted in knighton1992, p. 576.
CALISTO Sempronio
CALISTO Dame aca el laud
SEMPRONIO Señor veslo aquí
CALISTO Que dolor puede set tal
que se iguale con mi mal?
SEMPRONIO Destemplado esta esse laud [...]
CALISTO ... pero canta y tañe Ia mas triste
cancion que sepas
Mira nero de trapeya [sic]
a Roma como se ardia

From: rojasTRAG, sig. C.vii; foulcheCALIX, p. 50; aribau1920, p. 25; criadoCE, p. 89.
... y el mayor remedio qua tiene es tomar
vna vihuela et tañe tantas cenciones et tan
lastimeras [...] que avnque yo se poco de
musica. paresce que haze aquella vihuela
hablar: pues si a caso canta: de mejor
gana se paran las aues a Ie oyr...

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Rojas, Fernando de Living Professional

Texts from corona1999, page 252