
Anon., Historia de la donzella Teodor.


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Document Date Century City Province
Anon., Historia de la donzella Teodor. 1500 16cent/1/early Sevilla Andalucia

And the king said to her: "Teodor, would
it please you to tell me what knowledge
you have acquired from all the different
kinds of learning in the world?".
And the maiden answered and told him:
[...] and I sing [the] tenor and contras and
other songs and many romances set to
music; and I know how to compose
many old and new canticas and set them
well to music: and I can play the lute and
vihuela with most marvellous harmonies.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary print Vihuelas Literature Lute
Original text

E el rey Ie dixo: "Theodor, plégate de
me dezir que es Ia sciencia que
deprendiste de todos los saberes deste
E Ia donzella Ie respondio é dixole:
[...] é canto tenor e contras e otros
cantares e muchos romançes cantados;
e sé fazer muchas canticas viejas é
nueuas; é se asonarlas muy bien; é se
tañer laud e viuela [con] acordanças
muy marauillosas...

People mentioned

(a) mettmannHDT, p. 109: Vihuela, Lute;
(b) ibid., p. 148: Lute.
[Texts from: corona1999, page 247: Anon., Historia de Ia doncella Teodor (fifteenth century, undated). Consulted inmettmannHDT, p. 109.]