
Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, El Corbacho.


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Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, El Corbacho. 1498 15cent/3/late Sevilla Andalucia

From: Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, El Corbacho (Seville, 1498). Consulted in Martínez de Toledo
1500, fol xvi v. ccording to Palau (palauMAN, p. 368) the first edition is the one mentioned above. Cf. byrdARC, p. 101; ciceriAL, I, p. 114; and gerliAM, p. 134.

If we were to say, therefore, what men are they who
love [and] what their qualities are, [...] here would
appear who and what kind of persons are those whom
they love, or whom they slander so much with their
music, their playing and singing, that they perform in
squares and corners, making everybody listen to it,
[saying] "take notice I love such and such, and I want
you to know it", in the manner of a royal proclamation,
and I believe that they are the heralds and the
instruments, - lutes, guitars, harps, bonborras, rebecs,
vihuelas, tambourines with bells— are the trumpets...

From: Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, Archpriest of Talavera, El Corbacho, manuscript version (c. 1438). Consulted in byrdARC, p. 101; ciceriAL, I, p. 114; and gerliAM,, p. 134.

They are [like] town-criers,
these instruments: lutes, guitars,
harps and banborras, rebec,
media vihuela, tambourines with
bells, these are the trumpeters.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary print Literature Vihuelas Lute Guitar
Original text

From: Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, El Corbacho (Seville, 1498).

Pues si dixesemos quales hombres son para
amar que condiciones han [...] aqui paresceria
quienes et quales son los que amen / o si
disfaman con sus asonadas / tañeres et
cantares que hazen per plaças et cantones
dandolo a sentir a todo el mundo. Catad que
yo amo a tal: et quiero que lo sepais a manera
de pregon real: et creo que ellos son los
pregoneros: los instrumentos laudes / guitarras
/ farpas / bonborras / rabe / vihuelas / panderos
con sonajas. Estas son las trompetas...

From: Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, Archpriest of Talavera, El Corbacho, manuscript version (c. 1438).

Ellos son los pregoneros, los
estrumentos - laudes, guitarras,
farpas e banborras, rrabe, media
viguela, panderos con sonajas—,
estos son las trompetas.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Martínez de Toledo, Alfonso Deceased Ecclesiastical

Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, El Corbacho (Seville, 1498). Consulted in martineztoledoCOR, fol. xviv. According to Palau (palauMAN, p. 368) the first edition is the one mentioned above. Cf. byrdARC, p. 101; ciceriAL, I, p. 114; and gerliAM, p. 134.

Alfonso Martínez de Toledo, Archpriest of Talavera, El Corbacho, manuscript version (c. 1438). Consulted in byrdARC, p. 101; ciceriAL, I, p. 114; and gerliAM,, p. 134.

["Media vihuela" in ciceriAL]

Texts from corona1999, page 251 and 252