
Pedro Tafur, Andanzas y viajes.


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Document Date Century City Province
Pedro Tafur, Andanzas y viajes. 1435-1439/ca. 15cent

After two days which I spent resting, I went to
pay my respects to the Emperor of Constantinople,
and all the Castilians came to accompany me, and
I arranged myself as best I could and donned the
order of the Escama, which is the emblem of King
Don Juan, and I sent for one of the Emperor's
interpreters, named Juan de Sevilla, of Castilian
nationality; and it is said that the Emperor,
besides [Juan's] being an interpreter, [chose him]
because he sang to him Castilian romances with a
lute [lacuna] and he came with me to the palace.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary print Literature Music Lute
Original text

Después de dos días que yo estuve reposando,
fui á fazer reverençia al emperador de
Constantinopla, é vinieron todos los castellanos
á me acompañar, é yo puseme a punto Io mejor
que pude, é con el collar descama, que es Ia
devisa del rey Don Juan, é enbie per un
trujaman del Emperador, que Ilamavan Juan de
Sevilla, castellano por nacion; é dizen quel
Emperador, allende de ser Trujaman, porque Ie
cantava romançes castellanos con un laud
[lacuna] é fue conmigo al palacio.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Tafur, Pedro Living Bourgeoisie

ramirezarellanoTAF. p. 139: Lute;
English translation: lettsPT, p. 117.

[Texts from corona1999, page 247: Pero Tafur, Andanzas e viajes (c. 1435-1439). Consulted in ramirezarellanoTAF, p. 139.
The only extant manuscript is an early eighteenth-century copy, which shows the lacunae in the original by means of three dots; see Letts, Malcom (ed.). Pedro Tafur, Travels and Adventures 1435-1439. London, 1926, p. 1. Letts translates this passage (p. 117) as: "the Emperor chose him to be interpreter because he sang him Castilian romances to a lute".]