
Gremio de violeros de Madrid.

1577.05.05 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Madrid

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Document Date Century City Province
Gremio de violeros de Madrid. 1577.05.05 16cent/3/late Madrid Madrid

At the meeting of musical instrument makers in Madrid in 1577 to elect examiners and overseers Hernando Bejerano voted for Juan de Carrión and Juan de Borgoña. Hernando Bejerano and Juan de Carrión were elected to be examiners and overseers.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons AHPMad Archivo Histórico Provincial de Madrid Protocolos, leg 981, fols 609-11
Original text

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Bejerano, Hernando Living Professional
Carrión, Juan de Living Artisan
Borgoña, Juan de Living Artisan

romanillos2002, 35: “ At the meeting of musical instrument makers in Madrid in 1577 to elect examiners and overseers he voted for Juan de Carrión and Juan de Borgoña. Hernando Bejerano and Juan de Carrión were elected to be examiners and overseers.