
Juce Albariel, debt

1466.10.31 Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zaragoza

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Document Date Century City Province
Juce Albariel, debt 1466.10.31 15cent/2/mid Zaragoza Zaragoza

Document certifying Xama Ali and Juce Albariel ["master of making lutes and harps"] debt with Beatrice Tarín (widow of Pedro Alvarez de Chalez, owner of a vihuela probably made by Albariel).

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons AHPZ Archivo Histórico Provincial de Zaragoza Part V/Doc 37
Original text

Juce Albariel sr, maestro de hacer laúdes y vihuelas y Alí Xama maestro de casas, moros..., reconocen tener en comanda 310 sueldos de la viuda Beatriz Tarín...
She is the widow of Pedro Alvarez de Chález who owned a vihuela, possibly made by Juce Albariel.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Albariel, Juce de Living Artisan
Alvarez de Chález, Pedro Deceased