
Juan Pérez de Moya, Comparaciones o símiles para los vicios y virtudes.


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Document Date Century City Province
Juan Pérez de Moya, Comparaciones o símiles para los vicios y virtudes. 1584 16cent/3/late Alcalá de Henares Madrid

Allegorical comparison between the loose strings vihuela and prayer that is similarly loose or without focus.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
non-fiction print Vihuelas Literature
Original text

Fol. 17, Similes de la oración:
“Así como las cuerdas de la vihuela estando floxas roncan y no se oyen: assí no oye Dios la oración hecha con floxedad.”

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Pérez de Moya, Juan Living Professional

This means “Just as when the strings of a vihuela are slack they snore and are not heard, God will not hear prayers that are done with such slackness” Original text available at Google Books.