
Documents pertaining to the violero Manuel de Vega.


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Documents pertaining to the violero Manuel de Vega. 1635 17cent/1/early Madrid Madrid

Documents pertaining to the violero Manuela de Vega (c.1580-1657)
These descriptions contain details that conform with others pertaining to late 16th century vihuelas

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons Guitar
Original text

In 1635 Manuel de Vega had made a tiple for his Royal patrons with the back and ribs of ebony from Portugal, ebony and ivory bindings, pasted inlays on the soundboard and the back, the Royal coat of arms inlaid in the fingerboard and with a carved and fretted rose in ebony from Portugal with silver and gold inlays. The tiple was valued at 30 ducats. In the same year he made another tiple with the back and ribs in cedar and mahogany which had the figure of a sun around the soundhole. The floral ornaments, purflings and fingerboard were all of ebony. It was valued at 10 ducats. In 1636 he made a fluted guitar in ebony from Portugal. The coat of arms, a rope pattern and bindings were of ebony and ivory. The rose was made of boxwood and the ebony fingerboard, with pasted bindings, was inlaid with a gradated Royal coat of arms within a shield. It was valued at 24 ducats. Manuel de Vega made a guitar for King Felipe IV of Spain in 1654 which had the bindings, points, fingerboard, floral ornaments and bridge all of ebony (de perfiles y puntos y plantilla de ebano y flor y remate y puente i caracolilios todo de ebano). It was valued at 22 reales [BS (1995), pp. 60-61]

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Vega, Manuel de Living Artisan