
Inventory of the belongings of the princess Juana de Austria.


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Document Date Century City Province
Inventory of the belongings of the princess Juana de Austria. 1573 16cent/3/late

Inventory of the belongings of the princess Juana de Austria, sister of Felipe II, daughter of Carlos V and Isabel, taken on her death in 1573. Contains “una bigüela, las espaldas quarteadas, de madera de Brasil y blanca...”

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Vihuelas Persons
Original text

“Una bigüela, las espaldas quarteadas, de madera de Brasil y blanca, y el çerco de hébano, que entre las clabijas tiene escripto Don Diego de Rojas, tasada en ocho reales que balen dosçientos y setenta y dos maravedís”

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Juana [doña] daughter of Carlos V Deceased Royalty
Sarmiento, doña Luisa de Nobility
Rojas, Diego de Artisan

This is either a cheap vihuela, or an instrument in not very good condition. For details of the princess playing the vihuela de arco with a group of noble women see Luisa de Sarmiento in the vihuelistas database.

Quoted from schöner1999, p. 94, from moll1965.