
J. C. Calvete de Estrella, El felicíssimo viaje del muy alto y muy poderoso Príncipe Don Phelippe.


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J. C. Calvete de Estrella, El felicíssimo viaje del muy alto y muy poderoso Príncipe Don Phelippe. 1548.12.30 16cent/2/mid Milano Italy

In Milan on 30 December 1548, Hernanado Gonzaga arranged a large feast in honour of Felipe II at which music was played on “vihuelas y laudes”. (fol 28r)

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
literary print Literature Vihuelas Lute
Original text

In Milan on 30 December 1548, Hernanado Gonzaga arranged a large feast in honour of Felipe II at which music was played on “vihuelas y laudes”. (fol 28r)

When Philip’s entourage arrived in Antwerp, one of the scenes that was arranged as part of his entrance into the city was a group of nine allegorical characters (Plausus, Alacritas, Voluptas, Exultatio, Laetitia, Promptitudo, Congraatulatio, Musica, and Harmonia) who sang a “cancíon en Flamenco compuesto en loor d’el Principe al son de harpas y vihuelas (fol 239.v)

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Calvete de Estrella, Juan C. Living Ecclesiastical

[cited in schöner1999, p. 28]
calvete1552, fol 183v: Vihuela. Consulted 20 Oct 2010