
Mateo Alemán, Ortografía castellana.


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Document Date Century City Province
Mateo Alemán, Ortografía castellana. 1609 17cent/1/early Mexico Mexico

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
non-fiction print Literature Vihuelas Lute
Original text

fol 4: “la vihuela o laud que todo es uno, aun que no en la hechura” ie lute and vihuela are the same except in the way they are made, their form.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Alemán, Mateo Living Professional

(a) aleman1609, fol. 1v: Vihuela;
(b) ibid., fol. 4: Vihuela;
(c) bid., fol. 4v: Vihuela, Lute.