
Fray Juan de Torquemada, Los veinte i un libros rituales i Monarchia Indiana.


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Fray Juan de Torquemada, Los veinte i un libros rituales i Monarchia Indiana. 1615 17cent/1/early Mexico Mexico

Gives information on the performance practice of the “indians”: “Such other instruments as are played to give pleasure to the laity, the Indians make and play them all: small fiddles, guitars in two sizes, vihuelas, harps and stringed keyboard instruments [rabeles, discantes, vihuelas, harpas y monacordios].

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
non-fiction print Literature Vihuelas Music Guitar Performance Practice
Original text

“Such other instruments as are played to give pleasure to the laity, the Indians make and play them all: small fiddles, guitars in two sizes, vihuelas, harps and stringed keyboard instruments [rabeles, discantes, vihuelas, harpas y monacordios]. The conclusion is that there is nothing they cannot learn to do. What is more, only a few years after they learnt singing, they themselves began independently to compose villancicos in four parts, and masses and other works, the wich, when shown to accomplished Spanish singers, were taken to be by cultivated experts and not possibly by Indians”.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
Torquemada, Fray Juan de Living Ecclesiastical

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Not in part 1
tercera parte 582 = vihuela
