
Bernardo Prospero, letter to Isabella d’Este.


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Document Date Century City Province
Bernardo Prospero, letter to Isabella d’Este. 1493.03.06 15cent/3/late Milano Italy

Letter from Bernardo Prospero, Chancellor of Ferrara, to Isabella d’Este. 6 March 1493.

Document type Subject Siglum Archive name Call no.
archival document Persons Vihuelas
Original text

Heri anche il prefato Duca di Bari gli condusse Madama & tuta la turba, e poi se presono a fare sonare quellj sonadorij spagnoli che mandó el Reverendissimo Monsignore Ascanio da Roma, qualj so[n]ano viole grande quasi come mj, & invero il sonare suo è più presto dolce che de multa arte.

People mentioned
Name Status when cited Social status
d’Este, Isabella Living Nobility

He tells Isabella how impressed he was by the Spanish musicians he heard in Milan who played on “viole quasi grande come me” and that it was “piu presto dolce que de multa arte” more sweet that of great art]. These musicians were sent to Milan from Rome by Ascanio Sforza. See minamino2004-2, p. 183, who summarises from prizer1982 (see below). Text reproduced in corona2004-1 p. 21.